Are You Funny in French?
I’ve been trying to be more conscious about the content I’m consuming lately. And if you know me at all you know that means cutting wayyy back on reality TV (diehard Vanderpump, Housewives, and Teen Mom fiend over here). Instead I’ve been listening to podcasts on spirituality and wellness, and reading more blogs and books. This morning I was reading an article about an American woman living in France on A Cup of Jo and loved this bit.
“I feel like I’ll never be funny in French - the cultural references, getting the timing right, etc. I’m able to do that in English, but it’s really hard in a different cultural context. My entire relationship with my sister-in-law has been formed in French. There are parts of myself I’d love her to know.”
I’ve never considered that I myself might not be funny in another language. Humour is so deeply ingrained in my personality and makes up a big part of how I connect with other people! I’m taking a second to be extra grateful to be able to make people laugh today, and am also super curious - what is your favourite personality trait, and what would you lead with if it was off the table?