New Moon Musings

Journaling tonight for the new moon revealed that I'm looking to feel empowered and calm - two emotions that have been hard to drum up these last couple of weeks. I'm sure you guys are feeling it too. I wrote down 6 intentions, and on the 7th one I realized a need to call on something I haven’t had to call on in a while - a day dream.
Coping through daydreams.
Five or six years ago, I had yet to leave my home town and spent most of my time day dreaming from the inside of my burnt-orange bedroom walls (on brand, lol). I remember incessantly dreaming of something else, dreaming of somewhere that suited me better, dreaming of a life that offered inspiration more generously.
When your head is always in the clouds, it can get pretty grey. I've described moving to Vancouver as the point in my life where everything got colourful. What I previously had to invent in my mind, watch on tv, write about, or add to my Pinterest board to evoke the feeling of became my reality. Sunsets, flowers, friends, high rises, opportunity, ocean, travel, community, freedom. I've always been amused when people claim boredom. Here? I think to myself. How?
Life, on hold.
The last week has felt like living in the upside down, and I've been dipping in and out of being able to see the upside. One of my teachers says, "Everything you want, everything you need, is already within you." and so it is. I'm going to honour my younger self who honed her skills in seeing beauty, no matter the circumstance. No matter how bleak things looked, on to another day dream. I'm going to try to shift my thoughts towards what is AFTER this big and scary experience we're all going through. Just as I used to do from my little basement bedroom when life didn't look as I'd hoped it would, I'm going to try a little harder to dream my way through this. To keep adding to my mental vision board of what life after this will look like.
Happy new moon!
Cover image by dzesika devic, city scape by me.